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时间: 2014年08月27日 来源:互联网 作者: 佚名 浏览:

    Is It Good for College Students to Have Part-time Jobs  大学生有兼职工作很好 
   1、The advantages of having part-time jobs fro college students. 
   2、The disadvantages of having part-time jobs for college students. 
   3、The right attitudes. 
   There are many advantages for college students to take part-time jobs while they are at college. Firstly, part-time jobs will offer us students a chance to demonstrate our ability and to apply what we have learned at college. Secondly, part-time jobs help us become more independent of our families. Thirdly, the experience we gain through part-time jobs may be of great help to our future career. Finally, part-time jobs can broaden our horizon and make our life more meaningful. 
   However, a part-time job has some disadvantages. For example, we may lose time needed for sleep, rest, study, club activities and recreation. For another example, if we take part-time jobs, it is likely for us to be so interested in the work that we can’t pay attention to our study. As a result, we may fail in our school study, which will affect our future career too. 
   In my opinion, as a student we should hold the right attitude towards the part-time job, for acquiring knowledge, especially more book knowledge, is our first important task. Although part-time jobs can do us some good in some aspects, we should pay more attention to school study than on it.


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